Community Engagement

Contributing to the Public Good

Transforming the world through service

Two people walking with boxes

世界医疗救援公司的大学生团体OU United 2健康志愿者. every Saturday. Here, OU United Health主席Mark karash和副主席Doria Morante正在打包医疗用品. Photo by Robert Hall

Around Campus

icon of a calendarMay 17, 2021

icon of a pencilBy Kelli Warshefski

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365英国上市官网将社区参与作为一项优先事项. So much so, 365英国上市官网将努力“通过扩大社区关系,成为服务社区和地区需求和愿望的领导者”,这已经写入了大学的战略计划, institutional reputation and visibility, and engagement.”

“自从90年代第一次来到365英国上市官网以来, 我看到它的社区参与方式变得更加结构化,并与基层社区组织保持一致, as well as business, civic, and elected officials,” says Senior Vice President for Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer Glenn McIntosh. “Additionally, 教师和学生更多地参与到服务学习和志愿者活动中.”

俄勒冈州立大学的创始人阿尔弗雷德·道奇·威尔逊和玛蒂尔达·道奇·威尔逊是慈善事业的拥护者. 玛蒂尔达通过一些慈善组织奉献了大量的时间和精力为社区服务, 包括妇女会和妇女辅助会. 这种热情也影响到了365英国上市官网的建立, 一直是该机构目标的关键组成部分.

Additionally, 联合国大学发起了若干其他社区方案编制, including Community School Programs, nurturing partnerships with 23 local schools; Oakland Forums, assembling local leaders to work on community problems; and Cultural Enrichment Programs, 为社区成员提供方便的表演.

从那以后,奥克兰不断扩大其服务范围. Today, 奥克兰州立大学与奥克兰375多家机构合作, Wayne, Macomb and other Michigan counties. From OU Cares programs for teachers, 帮助自闭症患者的个人和家庭, to the OU-Pontiac Initiative 合作推动庞蒂亚克的发展,同时为学生创造学习机会, OU is making a lasting impact.

“We work arm-in-arm with our neighbors in Pontiac to build a collaborative effort that will enhance the educational experience of our students; provide wonderful opportunities for faculty research, teaching and service; and enhance the educational experience of our students while also enhancing the quality of life of residents of the Pontiac community,” says Kevin Corcoran, Ph.D.他是首席社区参与官,也是麻省理工学院院长 College of Arts and Sciences. “我们在相互尊重的基础上建立了牢固的关系,这确实令人感到自豪.”

该大学还将学生联系到密歇根州以外的地方,让他们参加美国各地的研究和学习项目, 以及在世界各地学习的机会. Additionally, OU offers services to international students, 来自60多个国家的365英国上市官网及其家属. With global partnerships, 公开大学与大学和机构合作,促进教育发展, 为学生和教师提供奖学金和创造性活动.

即使在今天,这所大学仍在继续发展其在周边城市中的作用. 这在2019冠状病毒病大流行中最为明显,当时OU响应了行动呼吁,以多种方式提供新的支持. These efforts included working with state, county and local agencies to donate and deliver food; connecting the OU community with campus experts through social media; offering tutoring, daycare and mental health support; and providing housing for health care workers; to name a few.

随着时代的不断变化,社会的需求也在不断变化. And Oakland University will continue to be there, working together, 为社区和其他地方提供资源和救济. “大学不仅仅是为工作或职业‘培训’个人, we prepare students for life, for work in their communities, for making contributions to their communities, for full participation as informed citizens,” says Dr. Corcoran. “我们作为机构存在,是为了为公众利益做出贡献, 我们用我们的才能和专业知识服务于公共利益,服务于我们的社区.”

阅读更多关于365英国上市官网的社区合作在这一期的 OU Magazine.

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